About Me

Image Description: a photo of Seth standing behind a table, giving a talk at the 2023 APA Eastern Division meeting. He is looking down at some notes. A projector to the left of him displays a slide saying "Finding Normality in Abnormality: Normal Function Ascription in Cancer Biology" and which displays the Montreal skyline. Seth is wearing a grey suit. 

Image Description: a photo of Seth looking straight at the camera with a slight smile. He has black hair and a beard and is wearing a black v-neck t-shirt and a green, blue, red, and white flannel shirt.   

When I'm not doing philosophy, I like to:

- go on walks, 

- do light yoga,

- cook delicious food and bake sweet treats, especially holiday foods like challah, latkes, vegan Thanksgiving roasts, gingerbread cookies, and pumpkin cheesecake muffins (for Halloween), 

- play with my dog, Freya (shown here wearing a mixing-bowl helmet) and take her on long walks,

- travel,

- spend time with my family,

- listen to podcasts (my current favorites are Knowledge Fight, QAnon Anonymous, Behind the Bastards, andWeird Little Guys),

-play video games (mostly Souls-likes) to relax. 

Image Description: a photo of Freya, a blue Doberman Pinscher, standing in front of Seth (whose leg is visible), with a tin mixing bowl placed on her head. 

Image Description: a photo of Freya, a blue Doberman Pinscher, laying on Seth's lap. Her tongue is sticking out of the side of her mouth.